Vacations are often a costly endeavor for one or two people. You’re buying meals, renting tiny hotel rooms, and splitting the cost between just a couple of people. To really save some money, we suggests travelling or taking an adventure as a group of people to keep costs low.
This won’t work on every vacation you take (nor should you try to force it to work), but for certain types of trips getting a group of people together can save you some serious cash. The Simple Dollar suggests a few different ways to save money, including renting cabins instead of hotel rooms and carpooling. One of the biggest discounts comes in the form of group rates.
If you’ve got a group of ten or more people, ask about a group rate with everything you do. If you’re flying, ask your airline about a group rate. If you’re staying in a hotel, ask about a group rate. If you’re going to a museum or a garden or an exhibit, ask about a group rate.
If you’ve been putting off that European vacation because you don’t have the money, now might be a good time to gather up some friends and reassess how much it would cost. You won’t have to spend the entire vacation with them, but you can save some money on big ticket items by sticking together. Head over to The Simple Dollar for a few more suggestions on how to travel with a group.